People Love Stories
Tell them stories and add facts and they'll remember the facts because of the stories.
In January, Anna had invited me to attend her vision board workshop. Since she had read two of my books and really loved them, she requested me to come with them and speak about them to the workshop attendants. I did exactly that.
When my speaking time came, I encouraged the audience to follow their dreams. To take the vision board we were making and use the ingredients that are highlighted in my “Achieve Your Dream workbook”in pursuit and accomplishment of their visions. During my short speech I realised that as much as the ingredients are very necessary and important in the process, their mention didn’t arouse as much excitement as bits of my personal story did. It is the accomplishment of my writing dream that triggered the audience to clap. People love stories in your speech. Stories can and are often used as hooks to get the audience's attention and also used to make some facts embedded in the subconscious easier than they would have without the use of a story.
As one of the attendees came to my table towards the end of the workshop, he let me know that he wanted to take just one of the books. His question was, “Tell me which of the two I can read more of your personal story.”
The book “Be Good For Good" does that. That’s the book he took, even though the workshop theme would have demanded that someone take the “Achieve Your Dream workbook.”
People love stories. Tell them more.